Peter Szabo's Story
How an 11-year old kid became a business & mindset expert, who's changed 3,000+ of lives to date
Businesses served (from start ups to 9 figure corporations)
Students impacted @
Generated profitably via paid ads (Facebook, IG, YouTube & Google)
My Story
Quick Backstory
Hey, my name is Peter Szabo and I’ve accidentally stumbled into online business & personal development at 11 years old.
At 11 my parents took on loans, emptied their savings and invested into an MLM company in hopes for a better financial future.
Unfortunately, the investment went south and we went broke.
As an average Slovakian household, my parents never made more than 600 bucks a month so with loan repayments on top of that, we were in a pretty tight spot.
Thankfully I still had a roof above my head, food on the table… at the same time I remember I was the only kid in school whose parents didn’t own a car, never went on the classic Slovakian 1 week per year vacation to Croatia and I couldn’t even afford a $50 pair of Nike sneakers.
The Secret?
Luckily, at that time I saw a movie called “The Secret”.
It didn’t quite reveal the “whole secret to success” but it made me naively believe as an 11-year old that I can “be, do, have it all”.
With that blind courage, I went onto google and typed in “how to make money online”.
On the surface I thought if only I made some money, all of problems would be solved…
…deep down I just hated to see my parents suffer, so I had to do something about it.

With that courage, I decided to take my family's financial situation in my own hands while only eleven years old and immediately went on Google and searched ”how to make money online.”

Blind Courage!
With that blind courage, I went onto google and typed in “how to make money online”.
That’s how my journey began:
Initially I was making 3-4 pennies a day clicking on ads via PTC (paid to click) websites. It literally took me months to make a dollar.
Then I sold services on Fiverr, done social media & email marketing and eventually progressed to making
$1 a day,
$10 a day,
$100 a day…
First Million Dollar Business
… all the way to starting a Facebook Ads agency @ 17 years old and scaling it to $1.2M/year by 19.
During that time we’ve had 300+ clients – from small to bigger businesses – in a wide variety of industries generate tens of millions of dollars combined (primarily using FB ads).
Looking back, I discovered every time I leveled up in business, I also had to grow as a person.
The same thing applied to all my clients, peers and mentors as well.
That’s when I realized that business success and personal development were deeply interwoven.
Psychology, neurology and human performance all became passions of mine since a very young age.
I remember watching Tony Robbins videos on YouTube at like 12 years old and taking lots of notes.

The Source Hacker System
A bit later, at 21, I started my personal development company with the mission of helping 1 billion people build lives they love because as cliche as it may sound, I do genuinely believe the key to “making this Earth a better place” is helping the individual get better. The sum total of humans loving their lives is a world WE love.
Within the very first year, I grew the company to $1M/yr and helped 100s of everyday people change their lives for the better.
To date, we’ve documented well over 2000 success stories at
It’s a business that provides not only income, but impact. It’s the perfect marriage of profits + passion. I believe it’s not about being either giving or greedy. I don’t think such binary thinking is useful. I think the symbiosis and synergy of both is the key to long-term, sustainable and fulfilling success – building a business that serves a mission greater than just myself.
Building a business that’s not just designed to get the owner unlimited Lamborghini’s (I own zero), but to genuinely help people and in return receive resources (money), +80% of which I reinvest in the company to spread the message in hopes of helping more.
Mikael Dia
AJ Mihrzad
All in all, during a period of thirteen years, we’ve helped 300+ small businesses in a wide variety of industries generate over $100M in revenue PROFITABLY using Facebook & YouTube ads — becoming the #1 largest FB Ads agency in CEE at the time on the agency side of things, as well as help 3,000+ everyday people generate millions of dollars and create lives they love.
Chipping away at the mission of helping a billion people, one person at a time.
On the surface it may seem like we optimize your ads and your funnels, but deep down I really believe we change lives.
I know some of this may sound cheesy and may be hard to believe coming from an industry filled with tons of “fake gurus” but hopefully my actions will speak louder than my words over time.

Book a 1-on-1 call with Peter to scale your paid ads
Causes I've supported over the last few years